International Manuscript ID : 2249054XV4I2032014-06

Manuscript Title : Export Potential of Food Processing industry in India (View / Download)

Author :

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
ARSD College, University of Delhi



International Manuscript ID : 2249054XV4I2032014-10

Manuscript Title : An Empirical Review of SQL Injection Attack in Web Applications(View / Download)

Author :

Shikha Garg
Computer Science & Engineering Department
Haryana Engineering College
Jagadhri, Yamunanagar, Haryana

Pooja Narula
Computer Science & Engineering Deparment
Haryana Engineering College
Jagadhri, Yamunanagar, Haryana



International Manuscript ID : 2249054XV4I2032014-16

Manuscript Title : An Empirical Review on Associative Rule Mining and Classification using Assorted Techniques (View / Download)

Author :

Research Scholar
Department of Computer Science and Applications
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Dr. Chanderkant Verma
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Applications
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra



International Manuscript ID : 2249054XV4I2032014-11

Manuscript Title : Emerging Scenario in HRM of Corporate Sector (View / Download)

Author :

Manpreet Kaur
Department of Commerce
S.A. Jain College
Ambala City, Haryana, India

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