

S. S. Mohan Reddy, B.T.P. Madhav, S. Siva Kumar, S. Raviteja Raju, V. Siva Kiran, V. Prudhvi


Shorting Wall Planar Inverted Folded Antenna on LC Substrate for Bluetooth Application


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M1-112012

Tamanna Jain, Aditi Gupta, Mehak Pasricha


An Empirical Analysis on Security and Confidentiality Issues in Cloud Framework


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M2-112012

Mandeep Kaur, Navdeep Kaur


Development and Analysis of Hindi-Urdu Parallel Corpus


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M3-112012

Dr. Manju Badhwar


A Pragmatic Analysis on Assorted Technology Driven E-Learning Products in Education


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M4-112012

Fatemeh Alsadat, Govindan Marthandan


Success Factors of ERP Implementation in SMES in Malaysia


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M5-112012

Dr. Yasir Arafat Elahi, Anisur Rahman


India's Trade Potential to Kuwait - Problems and Opportunities


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M6-112012

Anil Saroliya, Upendra Mishra, Ajay Rana


A Pragmatic Analysis of Peer to Peer Networks and Protocols for Security and Confidentiality


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M7-112012

Hasin Alam, Syed Hasan Saeed


Electronic Nose in Food and Health Applications : A Review


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M8-112012

Disha, Sukhwinder Sharma


Comparison of Wireless Security Protocols (WEP and WPA2)


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M9-112012

Sonal Guleria, Vandana Jaswal, Vandana Chandel



An Effective Hybrid Algorithmic Approach for Effective Packet Transmission in Security Trust Architecture


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M10-112012


Jitender Malik, Haryana, India



Changing Landuse Pattern in Haryana


International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M11-112012


Mahavir, Dr. Anita, Haryana, India





International Manuscript ID : ISSN2249054X-V2I6M12-112012

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